ASTROIDA Ltd. has started its activity in 1990 with the production of wire feeders for welding machines. Since 1992, with the implementation both of CNC machines and the programming software, the company has expanded its production and developed a wide range of mechanical machining of parts, units and products for mechanical engineering.
Since 2001, the company has been specialized in the production of precision parts and assemblies for optical and opto-mechanical instruments for partner companies in Germany and France.
At the present, ASTROIDA Ltd. has a well-established tradition in the production of blocks and components for hydraulic products. ASTROIDA’s products have an established presence at the European market – Germany, France, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden, and also outside of Europe – Israel and Turkey.
Modern technological equipment, technical means of control, measurement and testing, guarantee the high quality of manufactured products. The enterprise capability to upgrade and modernize its technical base, makes Astroida a preferred business partner.
The most valuable resource for the company is its staff thoroughly complying qualification background, skills and experience requirements.
Since 2002 the company has been certified according to ISO 9001: 2008 and OSHAS 18001: 2007.
In 2016, an ERP system was implemented.
In 2018, Astroida moved to its own new terrain of 22,000 m2 and 7,000 m2 covered industrial area.
The established organizational structure guarantees the efficiency and effectiveness of the company.