18.05.2017 ASTROIDA LLC started implementing the agreement on Gratuitous financial assistance no BG05M9OP001-1.008-0868-S01i name: GOOD and SAFE WORKING CONDITIONS in ASTROIDA, LLC.
The project budget has a maximum total cost of BGN 149,000. 00, where BGN 126,650.00. from European funding and BGN 22,350. they are from the national co-financing.
The duration of the contract is twelve months.
The following activities will be implemented in the execution of the BFP agreement:
1) project Organization and management;
2) awareness and publicity;
3) Development, adaptation and implementation of the human resource development system in ASTROIDA OOD;
4) development and implementation of Practices to extend the professional life of older workers and employees (more than 54 years .)
5) Development, adaptation and implementation of innovative models of labor organization at the enterprise, aimed at improving productivity and environmental protection;
6) ensuring safe and healthy working conditions, improving the professional and medical status of employees by purchasing collective protection products-local oil Mist aspiration systems.
7) ensuring safe and healthy working conditions, improving the professional and medical status of employees by purchasing personal protective equipment and special work clothes;
8) Training on specific health risks associated with the individual workplace, as well as methods and means of limiting and reducing them;
9) training of employees and employees to work safely with innovative project working equipment;
10) provision of social benefits for employees, on-site equipment for feeding and recreation at the enterprise.